<aside> 💡 Goal – Identify key substructures, fragments, and pharmacophores driving the bioactivity of molecules from the repurposing study
objectMaps the relationship between molecular fragments, scaffolds, and initial molecules
Edges of the graph include:
Need to effectively navigate this large space of scaffolds and fragments
Look at the counts
object to see the nodes that occur the largest number of times
Look at the statistical significance of connections
Eliminate nodes that are too simple (e.g. single rings)
Enrich for nodes that are initialized from a molecule with high EC50
Perform substructure search for these significant substructure across repurposing sets
TODO: Rank by molecules similar to Ferrostatin-1, Liproxstatin-1 and then sort by EC50 or buckets (<1, 1-2, <0.1)
Iterated through the list of substructures identified by scaffold network to try and find if Liprox and ferrostat share the same substructures. Did not identify any significant matches – the only matches were benzene and the substructure below
Similarities of Ferrostatin-1 and Liproxstatin-1 to all of the other molecules in the screen
against pairs of molecules to find the maximum common substructures